Flower Bulbs in Fall for an Easter Centerpiece

Flower Bulbs in Fall for an Easter Centerpiece

Each year I’d purchased a spring flower arrangement for my Easter table. The flower arrangement was either a tulip, daffodil or hyacinth potted plant. Now, I just plant flower bulbs in fall for an Easter centerpiece.

It’s Not Difficult:

If you would like to try forcing some bulbs yourself, it really is not that difficult to do. Keep reading and I will tell you how.

Choosing and Preparing Your Container:

1.) In October, the year before Easter, locate a pot or container you would like to plant your bulbs in. The perfect container will have drainage holes in the bottom. If it does not, create some. 

Flower Bulbs in Fall for an Easter Centerpiece

2.)Wash the container well. Place pebbles in the bottom of the container. The pebbles will keep the drainage holes from getting soil clogged in them and keep it from washing out.

3.) Prepare the perfect soil. You will need equal parts of sand, garden soil and peat moss. Mix the three together well.

4.) Fill the container of your choice with the soil mixture about a 1/2-inch from the top of the rim. Leaving the 1/2-inch head space is important for watering later.

5.) Choose your bulbs for planting. Don’t know how? Read here.

Spring flower arrangement - plants flower bulbs in fall for an Easter centerpiece - tulip, daffodil or hyacinth bulbs work well. Read how to plant and force the bulbs to flower.

Bulbs That Work Well & How to Plant Them:

#1 Daffodils

Choose a container that the outside diameter rim is at least 7-inches. Plant 4 bulbs in the container with the top at least a 1/2-inch of the bulb showing above the soil line.

Forcing Daffodils- Chose a container that the outside diameter rim is at least 7-inches. Plant 4 bulbs in the container with the top at least a 1/2-inch of the bulb showing above the soil line.

#2 Hyacinths

Choose a container that the outside diameter rim is at least 7-inches. Plant 4 bulbs in the container with at least the top 1/2-inch of the bulb showing above the soil line.

Forcing Hyacinths to Bloom- Chose a container that the outside diameter rim is at least 7-inches. Plant 4 bulbs in the container with at least the top 1/2-inch of the bulb showing above the soil line.

#3 Tulips

Choose a container that the outside diameter rim is at least 5-inches. Plant at least 3 bulbs in the container with the top 1/2-inch of the bulb showing.

Forcing Tulips to Bloom Indoors- Chose a container that the outside diameter rim is at least 5-inches. Plant at least 3 bulbs in the container with the top 1/2-inch of the bulb showing.

What Side of the Bulb to Plant Upright:

You will want to plant the bulb’s flat side facing the wall of the pot. The easiest way to explain this is to think of the tulip bulb as dogs claw because it is shaped much like one.

The portion of the claw that faces the sky, is the flat side of the bulb. The flat side of the bulb must be planted facing the outside of the container.


Directions for Forcing Bulbs After Planting:

1.) Once the bulbs are planted you will need 10 weeks of cold storage in an area that is at or below 40 degree F.

Closer to 12 weeks for daffodils and tulips. Store the potted bulbs in a dark basement, garage, or a refrigerator works too if you have room and do not get temps this low.

2.) Keep the soil moist but don’t soak during the storage time.

3.) Root growth must take place before you can force the bulbs to grow. You will notice yellow shoots that will appear. It is important to allow the yellow shoots to turn green before taking your bulbs out of cold storage.

4.) Gradually move the pot to a warm and sun location.

Special Notes:

1.) When you bring your plants indoors it will generally take about 7-10 days to see enough growth for the bulbs to flower.

2.) Blooms last about 7-10 days as well.


That is all there is to having a beautiful arrangement on your dining room table for Easter.

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