Using Antiques as Unique Planters

Using Antiques as Unique Planters

Using antiques as unique planters – Give items a second life by using antiques as unique planters and containers. Some picture ideas to get your thoughts cycling. Mostly antiques but some additional containers too.

Just Humming Along Wagon

Just Humming Along Wagon - Repurpose an old wagon. Paint the wagon a bright, vivid color along with flowers that hummingbirds enjoy and you have a feeding garden on wheels.

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Repurpose an old wagon into a hummingbird fiesta . Paint the wagon a bright, vivid red coloring and add flowers that hummingbirds enjoy. Here are 10 flowers to plant.

Feeding garden stations on wheels are so it is easy to pull into the garage in cases of frost. Go ahead plant your flowers in early spring and wheel them in at night.

Old Wheelbarrow Planter

Old Wheelbarrow Planter - Have a wheelbarrow with a hole in it? Give it a second life as an old wheelbarrow planter! If the hole is too large, just place a piece of metal over the hole and cover the bottom with plastic. Fill with dirt and get planting.
Have a wheelbarrow with a hole in it? Give it a second life as an old wheelbarrow planter!

If the hole is too large, just place a piece of metal over the hole and cover the bottom with plastic. Fill with dirt and get planting.

Oversized Flower Funnel

Old Funnel in the Garden - The bold red pansies against the oversized, galvanized Metal farm funnel look terrific.  Bury the funnel halfway in the dirt and plant your garden flowers. Simple, easy and elegant.
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The bold red pansies against the oversized, galvanized Metal farm funnel look terrific.  Bury the funnel halfway in the dirt and plant your garden flowers. Simple, easy and elegant.

Antique Metal Tubs with Handles

Antique metal tubs with handles add visual appeal to any yard, deck or patio. Their size is perfect for being able to plant and grow a vast amount in the tubs. The handles make an easy way for two people to carry the containers into the garage to avoid frost , extending the growing season.

Antique metal tubs with handles add visual appeal to any yard, deck or patio. Their size is perfect for being able to plant and grow a vast amount in the tubs.

The handles make an easy way for two people to carry the containers into the garage to avoid frost and extend the growing season.  If you want to save yourself some money and not fill the tubs completely with soil – see some of the tips and tricks I’ve used over the years. 

Five of a Kind
Five purple pots of lavender housed in a white antique metal deck planter.

Five purple pots of lavender housed in a white antique metal deck planter.

Thrifty Finds are the Best Kind

Thrifty Finds are the Best Kind - I find old wash tubs and aluminum pails in thrift shops and at yard sales all the time. I will always purchase a few here and there to plant my annuals in.

I find old wash tubs and aluminum pails in thrift shops and at yard sales all the time. I will always purchase a few here and there to plant my annuals in.

Strange Finds

Strange Finds - Now don't laugh, but last year the neighbor lady asked if I knew what this "certain" red pot that I had sitting on my deck was. I said nope, I got it free at a yard sale and it was perfect for what I needed to plant. Small pot, perfect for a little arrangement....anyone? Give up? It is an old enamel pee pot.

Now don’t laugh, but last year the neighbor lady asked if I knew what this “certain” red pot that I had sitting on my deck was. I said nope, I got it free at a yard sale and it was perfect for what I needed to plant. Small pot, perfect for a little arrangement….anyone? Give up? It is an old enamel pee pot.

Old Style Wagons

Old Style Wagons - Old style, small scale wooden wagons on country lots or as added decorate in courtyards of shops have me envious. I wish I had the room for such a planter!

Old style, small scale wooden wagons on country lots or as added decorate in courtyards of shops have me envious. I wish I had the room for such a planter!

Old Shoe

You can plant in anything.  Free is free.

When you find something, you plant it.

Cast Iron Tubs

Cast Iron Tubs - Bright colors in the middle of the yard or outside a storefront window - each have their own little magic.

Everything, included the bathroom tub. Bright colors in the middle of the yard or outside a storefront window – each have their own little magic.

Cast iron tubs are just way too cute. Wishing I could locate one for inside my flower bed.

Cast iron tubs are just way too cute. Wishing I could locate one for inside my flower bed.

Striking White - Absolutely beautiful planter.

Rather terrific statement piece, huh?

Vertical Planters
Vertical Strawberry Garden

Low on space?  Vertical planters for gardening is the solution.  Grow strawberries, tomatoes, pepper, cucumbers and herbs in these vertical planters.

Vertical Container Gardening

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One Lone Tea Kettle

One lone tea kettle sitting on a window sill makes such a bold and inviting statement.

One lone tea kettle sitting on a window sill makes such a bold and inviting statement.

One Lone Tea Kettle Planter - If you can find a tea kettle with a handle they look mighty sweet hanging on garden posts, decks and fences. Plant flowers on the opposite side of the color wheel as the tea pot color.  This makes a BOLD visual statement in a flower garden.

If you can find a tea kettle with a handle they look mighty sweet hanging on garden posts, decks and fences. Plant flowers on the opposite side of the color wheel as the teapot color.  This makes a BOLD visual statement in a flower garden.

Oh, Husband.  I Need Your Jeans

Oh Husband. I Need Your Jeans - When your husbands work jeans have seen better days - give them a new use for a season. Stuff the legs of the pants with plastic grocery bags and stick containers into the waistband. Couldn't get any easier...but it is so stinkin' cute. Be prepared for plenty of compliments.

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• Stuff the legs of the pants with plastic grocery bags
• Stick containers into the waistband (two are shown)

Yep That’s It
Couldn’t get any easier. But, it is so stinkin’ cute. Be prepared for plenty of compliments.

 Plastic Doesn’t Have to Look Cheap

Plastic Doesn't Have to Look Cheap - Sometimes dollar type stores yield plastic containers in bold, complimentary colors that make something inexpensive, look like a million bucks.

Sometimes dollar type stores yield plastic containers in bold, complimentary colors that make something inexpensive, look like a million bucks.

Metal, Metal Hanging On a Wall

Metal, Metal Hanging On a Wall - When you are short on space but want to grow plenty of fresh herbs.  Look for containers that hang. Lips of houses, decks and fences will provide you with additionally needed space.

When you are short on space but want to grow plenty of fresh herbs.  Look for containers that hang.  Lips of houses, decks and fences will provide you with additionally needed space.

Hanging Fence Planters

Hanging Fence or Deck Planters
Vertical Container Gardening

All It’s Crocked Up to Be

All It is Crocked Up to Be - One of my favorite planters of all. The old style crocks. I have one crock planted with red geraniums every year on the cement pad leading to our garage.

One of my favorite planters of all. The old style crocks. I have one crock planted with red geraniums every year on the cement pad leading to our garage.

Hole in One Planter

Hole in One Planter - Drill a hole in the middle of a an old wooden chair to hold a flower pot. The chairs add visual appeal to porches and decks.

Drill a hole in the middle of a an old wooden chair to hold a flower pot. The chairs add visual appeal to porches and decks.

Whisky in a Barrel?
Whisky in a barrel? Nope. How about flowers in a barrel? I know they have came out with the plastic imitation barrels in the stores within the past few years. Really, there are just no substitutes to the real thing.

Whisky in a barrel? Nope. How about flowers in a barrel? I know they have came out with the plastic imitation barrels in the stores within the past few years. Really, there are just no substitutes to the real thing.

When You Find a Kegger in Wisconsin, YOU PLANT IT!

When You Find a Kegger, You Plant in it! - Sure, you could get a small monetary deposit back - but found, is found. Besides, who else has one planted?

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Sure, you could get a small monetary deposit back – but found, is found. Besides, who else has one planted?

Old Birdcage Garden Planter

This bird cage is amazing.  Plant your over wintered geraniums in early spring and by midsummer the entire bird cage is flowing with greens and flowers.

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This bird cage is amazing.  Plant your over wintered geraniums in early spring and by midsummer the entire bird cage is flowing with greens and flowers.

Roasting Pan

A roasting pan found from a tag sale makes the most interesting planting container.  The lid placed behind the pan makes the greens pop.

A roasting pan found from a tag sale makes the most interesting planting container.  The lid placed behind the pan makes the greens pop.

Old Birdhouse

Repurpose an old birdhouse with low growing annuals and greens.  Believe me, they look terrific.

Repurpose an old birdhouse with low growing annuals and greens.  Believe me, they look terrific.

Produce Basket

An old metal produce basket with handles holds a variety of plants.  You can plant a greater variety of flowers and vines.

An old metal produce basket with handles holds a variety of plants.  You can plant a greater variety of flowers and vines.

Wash Tub & Washboard

Old Wash Tub - Old wash tubs. in the garden make excellent planters  Yellow daisies, trailing vines, coleus and brightly colored pansies

Wash day?  Nah, planting day.  The old wash board adds to the visual interest.

Second View of the Wash Tub

Old wash tubs. in the garden make excellent planters.  Yellow daisies, trailing vines, coleus and brightly colored pansies

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Another view of the wash tub.  Yellow daisies, trailing vines, coleus and brightly colored pansies.  This space has light shade and all the plants are tolerant of shade. If you plant coleus, remember they make excellent and hearty houseplants if you need to take them in for winter.

Metal Plant Hanger

Find a metal hanger to attach to a fence to hang clay plants on.

Find a metal hanger to attach to a fence to hang clay plants on.

Garden Statement

Terra Cotta Clay Pot Garden Person on a Tricycle

Terra cotta man riding a bicycle. See additional designs and how to make your own garden men here.

Grandpa’s Car

Keeping memories alive by planting grandpa's old rusty car.

Keeping memories alive by planting grandpa’s old rusty car.

Recycled Log Deck Boxes

Hollow out a log and give it stick planter legs. Easy. Simple. Natural.

Hollow out a log and give it stick planter legs. Process is easy.  Cut a dried tree log in half and remove the core.  If you have ever split wood – this happens naturally sometimes with wood that has sat a period of time and is dry.

Replace the end pieces with half moons of cut wood.  Easy. Simple. Natural. See additional garden items made from wood and sticks HERE.

Seated With Nature
Simple mix and match planted pots stored on a wooden bench in the yard - I can't help but go over and check them out. Something that wasn't planned and just "happened" due to life getting in the way over the course of the growing season looks so natural and beautiful.

Simple mix and match planted pots stored on a wooden bench in the yard – I can’t help but go over and check them out. Something that wasn’t planned and just “happened” due to life getting in the way over the course of the growing season seems so natural and beautiful. Unstaged beauty!

Last Year Looks Good On You

Mr Grumpy - He just sits on his crumbling ladder overlooking the blooming florals and backyard guests. I think he might be going bald because I see no new growth.
Why is it that no matter what you plant in clay pot people – it always looks like it is fresh out of a magazine? 

Ms. Happy

Ms Happy - With beautiful, quick growing locks of green - Ms. Happy has every reason to be smiling.

With beautiful, quick growing locks of green – Ms. Happy has every reason to be smiling.

Spilling Over

Galvanized wash tub set on it's side with flowers spilling out of it.

Old galvanized wash tubs are perfect for creating a sprawling floral arrangement in flower gardens and yards.

All Star PlanterHigh tops planted with annuals.

An old pair of high top tennis shoes can have a new life in the flower garden.  Pair them up with annuals for picture perfect garden decor.

Recycled Hanging Herb Basket

A useful way to reuse an old fruit basket. Make an outdoor recycled hanging herb basket. You can plant a variety of herbs within the baskets on your patio. Stepping out to collect fresh herbs to add to your dishes.

Recycled Hanging Herb Basket
Attribute: Flickr

Recycle a hanging fruit basket to plant up a productive herb garden.

Garden Bicycle Planter

Garden bicycle planter with planted with an assortment of flowers on an old bike, Paint a wooden sign and wire it to the frame of the bike for visual interest.

Planting Baskets on an old bike, Paint a wooden sign and wire it to the frame for visual interest

Go Big or Go Home Wheelbarrow Planter

Purchase the largest geraniums that you can find and mix them with trailing ivy to fill an entire wheelbarrow for a grand entrance – it is the go big or go home wheelbarrow planter.

Go Big or Go Home Wheelbarrow Planter


Take Some Thyme to Dilly Dally in My Garden

All my herbs planted in one small space.
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All my herbs planted in a small portable container. Make cute signs for your planters by painting extra large craft sticks and 1 paint stick in an assortment of bright colors.  Attach large craft sticks to paint stick with Waterproof Sticky Ass Glue .  Add a cute saying and spray design with Thompsons Water Seal Multi-Surface Waterproofer clear spray.


Succulents Planted in Old Tin

Old tins planted with succulents
CC BY-NC 2.0 H is for Home

OMG, aren’t these the cutest! Repurpose old kitchen tins for planting succulents in. Brilliant!!

Old Tea Kettle Makes Bold Statement
Old Tea Kettle Makes a Bold Statement as a Planter


Ordinary marigolds make a bold statement when paired up with an old tea kettle.

Flower Pot Chair
Simplicity.  Bold, bright and blue painted flower pot chair paired with striking white and pink geraniums annuals in the very pot they were purchased in.  A simple way to add character to a plain porch.

Simplicity.  Bold, bright and blue painted flower pot chair paired with striking white and pink geraniums annuals in the very pot they were purchased in.  Simple way to add character to a plain porch.

Just Trucking Along

Planting season is just trucking along.  Plastic dump trucks add another splash of color to a concrete patio
Planting season is just trucking along.  Plastic dump trucks add another splash of color to a concrete patio.


Cinder Block Garden Wall

Need to block off an area?  Still would like to have useable space?  A cinder block garden garden wall could be your solution.

Cinder Block Garden Wall


Suitcase Planter

Looking for a use for an old suitcase? This suitcase planter may just spark some ideas

An old wooden suitcase planter is just the right touch for any garden.  The best planter ideas come from something someone else in getting rid of.  Seriously.

The next time someone asks you if you want something the are getting rid of, ask yourself; would it make a creative planter?

Suitcase Planter

A little dirt, pebbles, some succulents and you have a creative addition to your garden beds. The nice thing about using containers for your succulents is that you can move them around the yard. Also, for people like myself; I can bring them indoors before winter.

Additional Post You May Like:
Recycle an Old Chandelier into a Bird Station / How to Make Rhubarb Stepping Stones / Grow Lemongrass to Keep Away Mosquitoes

If the Shoe Fits Plant It

Wooden Clogs Planted With Succulents
As the sign says “If the shoe fits plant it.”

Recycling at it’s finest. There is no need to go out and purchase expensive pots for you plants.

Start with a vision and shape it.

Hen and Chick Boot Planter

Hen and Chick Boot Planter
Looking for a way to spruce up your entryway and welcome guests? Want to add some interest to an outdoor patio table? This hen and chick boot planter is the way to go.

Fill the boots with a little gravel on the bottom and potting soil.

You do not need to fill your boot completely, remember the mother “hen” plant with take care of adding more “chicks” throughout the growing season.

See Varieties of Hen and Chick Plants on

Strawberry Whisky Barrel Planter

Strawberry Whisky Barrel Planter
Give an old whisky barrel new purpose with this strawberry whisky barrel planter.  The strawberry plants will have plenty of room to grow and fill the container.


Rainy Day Boot Planters

You Don't Have to Wait For a Rainy Day Rain Boot Garden Planter
You Don’t Have to Wait For a Rainy Day! Plant up a slew of old rain boots.  They look darling. 

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Birds You Might Find in Your Backyard
Picture Navigational Listing
From My Kitchen Recipes
All Garden Posts

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