Tomato Watering Tips
Keeping tomatoes healthy and happy is all about controlling their water intake. Tomatoes get their water from their roots. Easy tomato watering tips for healthy plants.
Faithful Watering Of Tomato Plants
I can’t stress the fact that you need to faithfully water your tomatoes every day. Using a strict schedule. If you do not water regularly you will have all sorts of issues. Some of those issues will not be seen until the plant bears fruit.
Tomato Watering Tips
There are two tips that I give anyone trying to raise tomatoes. They are simple. If you set up your tomato watering schedule as such, you will never have to worry about watering again. You will reap the rewards two fold.
1.) Water in the Morning – This will allow the plant to have it’s much needed water supply during the hottest portion of the day and allow the plant to dry before night fall. Overhead watering at night can lead to fungal disease and plant wilt.
2.) Be Faithful – To maintain healthy plants, water in the morning using a soaker hose and timer
You will never forget or run short on time to water your plants ever again in the morning. It will be scheduled. Everyday. Same time, same amount. Easy! This will help those that are not faithful at watering.
How Much Water Is Enough?
It is important to provide 1 to 1- 1/2 inches of water each week for your plants. You can set up a rain gauge to check the amount of water your plants are receiving.
How To Measure The Water Your Tomatoes Are Receiving
1.) Stick a rain gauge in the soil under the soaker hose by your tomatoes. The rain gauge will catch the water from the soaker hose and any rain that you get that week.
2.) Be sure that your gauge has 1 to 1-1/2 inches of water in it at the end of week.
3.) Set your timer longer if you are not reaching the 1 to 1-1/2 inch mark.
4.) Dump out the gauge and start again the following week.
What Happens To Tomatoes That Are Not Watered Enough?
Low water amount will cause stress to your plants which could lead to the plant dropping it’s blossoms, creating blossom rot or cracking of the fruit.
There you have it. Simple. Right? Snake a hose and set a timer. Check a rain gauge to be sure your plants are receiving 1 to 1- 1/2 inches of water each week. Nothing fancy – your tomatoes are now on autopilot.
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