How To Make Jello Shots or Shooters In Syringes

How To Make Jello Shots or Shooters In Syringes
Jello Shots or Shooters in Syringes How to make jello shots or shooters in syringes. Jello shots or Jello shooters as they are also called are all the rage. There are many recipes with various types of liquor and flavored Jello combinations. I will give you several to try out.
How to make jello shots or shooters in syringes - Jello shots or Jello shooters as they are also called are all the rage. There are many recipes with various types of liquor and flavored Jello combinations. I will give you several tried and true recipes to try out. This article gives step by step instructions on how to make a great variation of the traditional shot, replacing it with a REAL shot.


1 Regular Package of Jello (See flavors below) Boiling Water Cold Water 10 Ounce Liquor (Again see ideas below) Large Mixing Bowl Wooden Spoon Syringes

What Kind of Syringes Are Needed?

Pick up a box of 30cc syringes. The syringes I am referring to are the typical syringes found in the healthcare industry.  They are clean, sterile, and do NOT have needles in them. You can then suck up the Jello mixture into the syringe and your guests can simply administer them in their mouth. After use, you can clean them out and re-sterilize them for additional uses. Another Choice Is To Make Them in Single Serve Cups: In some circumstances, if you are afraid of not getting your syringes back you may choose to make the jello shots in cup form.


Look over the combination of liquor and Jello mixes below. After choosing the liquor of your choice put the entire bottle into your freezer about half an hour to an hour before you want to make the shots. Jello Shot Flavor Combinations Directions: 1.) When you are ready to make the shots place your selected Jello flavor into a large mixing bowl. Follow the directions on the Jello box when adding HOT water. Mix. 2.)  Set the bowl aside to cool for 2 minutes. DO NOT ADD COLD WATER YET. 3.)  Add 6 oz cold water and 10 oz of your choice of liquor to the hot mixture and stir. 4.) Fill the syringes by pulling the stopper upon the syringe to suck up the mixture. 5.) Place them in the refrigerator to firm up for at least 3 hours. Note: Adding the hot water first, mixing, and then waiting for two minutes before adding the cold is the key to getting the correct firmness to the jello.  It will not be too hard, o too soft.

To Serve:

Serve the Jello shots or shooters in syringes by placing the shot in front of the open mouth and pushing on the plunger to administer your shot.
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  1. Great posting ! I always wondered how this was done. It’s funny how simple of a process it is…Thanks for the step by step walk through.

  2. Hello, how’s it going? Just shared this post with a colleague, we had a good laugh. Certainly can see ourselves in the VERY near future making up and consuming these. We though your vistors might want to stop by our website for the alcohol?

  3. i am making them this weekend for my gf’s bachelorette party. cant wait!!

  4. My sister wanted to know exactly how to make these. I will lead her to your site, thx. BTW – USE Skyy Vodka!!

    1. I love Skyy Vodka with my drunken gummy bears. Ok, maybe not with it as a drink but soaking them in it. Otherwise have you seen this Skyy? Skittles vodka:

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