Sharpening Your Garden Shovel

Sharpening Your Garden Shovel

Spending 5 minutes of time per year sharpening your garden shovel can eliminate your backbreaking work by digging deeper and dividing painless.

When was the last time you sharpened you shovel?  Sound like a strange question?  It shouldn’t be all that strange to hear.  A shovel works in all weather, it never needs it’s batteries charged or changed and it never needs to be updated year to year.

You more than likely have everything you need to sharpening your shovel in your garage right now.

Sharpening Your Garden Shovel Spending 5 minutes of time per year sharpening your garden shovel can eliminate your backbreaking work by digging deeper and dividing painless.

Steps to Sharpening Your Shovel

1.) Secure the handle of shovel in a workbench vise so the shovel can’t turn on you.

2.) Use a grinding wheel, hand file or Dremel Tool to sharpen both the front and rear side of your shovel.

The front should have a steeper edge than the rear.  The edges should be a wedge and not blunt.

After your first year of sharpening your shovel, I will promise you that it will be the first thing on your spring to do list.

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