11 Birds That Will Eat Oranges
Birdy, birdy here’s a sweet treat.
Sure to make you tweet! Tweet! Tweet!
11 United States Birds that Enjoy Eating Oranges:
The list below is divided the birds into Eastern and Western birds. This will help you locate your area and see which types of birds you should be looking for.
1.) Baltimore Oriole

The Baltimore Oriole is one of the most recognized birds. The birds have brightly colored orange bodies, black heads and wings. The neckline has a nice V shape.
Additional Posts: All About The Baltimore Oriole / Dried Fruit Medley
2.) Brown Thrasher

One of the larger sized birds you may see around your feeders with brown upper parts and a white under part with dark streaks.
Besides insects, the birds eat fruits, berries, nuts and seeds.
3.) Gray Catbird

The bird is a medium-sized found across North American and Central America.
The body is a lead gray with the top crown portion of the head being much darker than the body.
Additional Read: All About The Catbird
4.) Orchard Orioles
The male orchard oriole is a chestnut-colored bird with black wings, head, and upper back.
The females are olive-green on the upperparts and yellow on the breast and belly.
5.) Rose-breasted Grosbeaks

The rose-breasted grosbeak has a white belly with a red bib, black head with black and white feathers.
6.) Red-Bellied Woodpecker

The red bellied woodpecker has a white belly, red head and black and white feathers.
Additional Posts: Downy Woodpecker / Pileated Woodpecker
7.) Scarlet Tanagers

The Scarlet Tanagers is a beautiful scarlet red bird with a black pointed bill, eye mask and black back and wings.
8.) Northern Mockingbirds

The Northern Mockingbird has a gray head, back, and long gray tail with cream-colored edging. The front side is creamy white.
9.) Bullock’s Oriole

The female Bullock has a much lighter yellow coloring and a white belly.
The male has contrasting orange and black plumage, a black throat patch, and a white wing bar.
Additional Posts: Butterfly Nectar Recipe / Birds That Eat Nyjer Thistle
10.) Hooded Orioles

The adult male has a deep yellowish orange head with black on the face and throat; they are black on the back, wings and tail, orange on the underparts.
The adult female is olive-green on the upper parts, yellowish on the breast and belly.
Gray Catbird

You can find the catbird under both Eastern & Western Birds.
The bird is a medium-sized found across North American and Central America.
The body is a lead gray with the top crown portion of the head being much darker than the body.
Additional Read: All About The Catbird
11.) Western Tanagers

Adult males have a bright red face and a yellow nape, shoulder, and rump, with black upper back, wings, and tail. In non-breeding plumage, the male’s head does not have red and the body has an olive tinge.
Females have a yellow head and are olive on the back, with dark wings and tail.
Solutions to Feed Oranges to Your Birds
1.) Hanging Suet Feeder
For a quick and easy hanging solution to feeding your birds oranges, place orange halves in a suet brick holder feeder.
2.) Fruit Stick Feeders
Fruit stick feeders normally have perches places for the birds to rest and eat from.
3.) Birdy Buffets
A birdy buffet awaits your fine feathered friends. Places to hold oranges as well as meal worms, grapes, apple slices and/or jelly choices.
4.) Stab ’em Solutions
If you don’t want to spend any money, try using what you already have. The Stab ’em method works well.
1.) Tree branches
2.) Shepherds hooks
3.) Nails
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