A Foal is Born Mothers Day Weekend Shalom Wildlife


On Friday, May 6th my husband, daughter, and I were invited to watch the birth of a Tepid foal birth at Shalom Wildlife in West Bend, Wisconsin. Where a foal is born Mothers Day Weekend.

General Info

General:Wildlife zoo with over 100 acres and a four-mile loop with over 400 animals.
Google Map Location:Google Map Location
Cost:Check Current Pricing

Who Wants To Drive Golf Carts?

This was the third visit. When I mentioned who wants to go and drive around some golf carts? My husband and daughter knew where we were heading.

We do not golf, but we LOVE driving the golf carts around Shalom. We gladly pay the $30.00 for the cart for two hours. Otherwise, it takes us 5 hours to walk the park and stop at everything.

Feeding Elk

On our visits, one thing is for certain; the animals are always fed well. My husband makes sure of it.

He purchases 3 bags of corn just so to feed the elk.

They come running for him as soon as they see the bags come out of the cart.

More Elk

The elk don’t seem to like me as much. They snort at me. Maybe, cause someone else hogs all the corn. But, they sure are beautiful creatures to see up close and personal to watch their behaviors.

Camel Kisses

On this visit, there was a new addition; a camel.  He was a friendly little sucker.

It kept sneaking kisses as my husband would look away.

Looks like my DH has a new love in his life.

Ground Squirrel

I squealed with excitement when I spotted a ground squirrel while the rest of my family was feeding the whitetail deer.  I have never seen one in my neck of the woods.  

It was a great pleasure to capture him/her, the stains on the knees of my capris were most certainly worth it to get this shot.

Cute Lil’ Fallow

We stopped off to see the fallow deer, too.  I love the look of them because their smaller frame build and spots remind me of a baby fawn


The wolves are just plain gorgeous! When they come out… it is hit or miss. 

We came back multiple times over the course of the day to check to see if we could spot them. 

That is why we like having a golf cart, you can go between locations and the park is just large enough for it to make sense if you have a few animals that you wish to see.

Tepid Foal

Finally, the moment I had been waiting for. The tepid foal was born. Momma did well. She kept dad away from the little guy, for the entire time I was there.

His first steps on his wobbly legs were precious! It was tough to get really good shots of the little one. Momma kept him well protected in the pines.

The sanctuary named the little guy, Patience. A fitting name.

It was a wonderful kick-off to my Mother’s Day weekend! A Foal is Born Mothers Day Weekend and from one mother to another;  Happy Mother’s Day momma Tepid.

For this post, I wanted to give you a taste of what to expect. There are so many additional animals to see here and I’m not showing you everything so you can experience it on your own.

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