Drilling Pumpkins

Drilling Pumpkins

Drilling Pumpkins – Halloween Pumpkin Carving Made Easy! Last year my sister-in-law drilled patterns into her pumpkins using a cordless drill and drill bits.  They were so stinkin’ cute.

Each year she has a drilling pumpkins party for all the ladies to try their very own hand at drilling their own designs.

Food, fun and good friends all getting together. That is what holidays are about.

Some Pumpkin Drilling Ideas

Your pumpkins can be as simple as drilling holes all over your pumpkin.

Drilled Halloween Pumpkins - Carving made simple.

Maybe you would like to spell out a word?

Boo! Drilled Halloween Pumpkins - Carving made simple.
Gift Center

If you are really artsy try creating your own designs:

Drilling Pumpkins - Halloween Pumpkin Carving Made Easy

Buy an assortment of drill bits:

Drilling Pumpkins - Halloween Pumpkin Carving Made Easy

Grab a few pumpkins, a cordless drill and assortment of drill bits and see what you can dream up.

Drilled Halloween Pumpkins - Carving made simple.
Halloween Gifts

Now it is your turn.  Grab some friends, pumpkins and drill bits. Set a date and start making your Halloween masterpieces. Happy Halloween!

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