Backroads Denmark Wisconsin
Feeding the need to hit the road – Today, that journey leads me down backroads Denmark Wisconsin. Once in awhile I happen upon an old building , structure or vehicle that will make me let out a squeal and scare anyone that is along for the ride.
Some day they will be gone – Thankfully, nobody was with me this weekend when I drove up on this old schoolhouse or church (not sure which). They most certainly would have had some form of heart arrhythmia with my vocalization of this find.
And, THIS is why I travel the backroads in Wisconsin. Someday, these beauties will not be around. You can read about them, see them in pics…but when they are gone, they are gone. What a lovely gem this one is.
Family Barn and Living Quarters
This baby has a story to it – My second stop was an old stone and brick barn in Denmark, Wisconsin. I have been intrigued by history most of my life. I sat down many times and asked my great-grandparents and my grandparents about their lives growing up and for stories about their parents trip to America.
They lived in a chicken coop? – I was told that when the first settlers came here they didn’t have a lot of money. Many times the settlers built what looked like chicken coops – because, that is exactly what they were. Half housed chickens and half housed the family. At least until they could afford to build a house.
They lived in barns? – My great grandfather told me that there were barns too. The barns were always stone on the bottom and wood and brick covered on top. When the family was wealthy enough, they could build a house and move out of the barn. The top floor would hold the grains for the animals after the family built their home.
I stumbled onto this barn last weekend. Just brought back a flood of memories, Makes me wonder….if this was one of “those” living barns.

Then I cried like a little girl all the way back home. I miss both set of my grandparents dearly. Then, I found myself drifting to my grandmother that is still with us…I don’t see her enough. I need to get my butt in gear and visit.
All kinds of emotions from an old barn. Amazing. Isn’t it?