The scenery that I had pictured in my head was going to become a vivid reality. This was a trip for me, it wasn’t a trip that my husband and daughter had wanted to take. They didn’t share my excitement. Although, they seemed to be open to following my lead.
Sioux Falls South Dakota
Our first leg of the trip brought us through Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where were stopped to view the falls. The Sioux Quartzite in Sioux Falls, South Dakota is a Proterozoic quartzite. You can see the quartzite in areas around the falls and the rock marveled us more than the falls themselves
1880 Town
We stopped at 1880 Town for a bathroom break, we picked up some travel books and had a chance to stretch our legs.
The rabbit sign made us chuckle and we were greeted by the warmest winds I have ever experienced in my life.
We Need Gas
Onward we drove. Until the car “said” we needed gas. Mind you, this was in the middle of nowhere. We drove until there was a sign stating gas and turned off I-90. Following the arrows pointed left off the ramp for gas, and we just followed along for what seemed like 10 miles.

Out of nowhere, this little town pops up. For the life of me, I can’t remember its name. Nor, do I want to. It isn’t a place we ever plan to return to.
The gas station, was a tiny building that appeared closed; except for the men standing outside it. An older gentleman wearing bib overalls with a stained gray t-shirt came over to our car.
My husband asked how much a gallon. like it really mattered at this point. Although, I do understand why he asked after our Lake Michigan boat trip. It was a question of will we need to take a small loan or not.
Our daughter asked if they had a bathroom. The gentleman pointed her in the right direction and then proceeded to ask my husband how much gas he wanted.
My daughter returned and said she didn’t care how much she had to use the bathroom and that she wasn’t current on her tetanus shot.
I said how bad could it be? Yep, we are skipping that.
Meltdowns In Kimball
My husband was getting tired and we all were hungry and truthfully, a little frazzled from traveling so we pulled off into the little town of Kimball, South Dakota. At the first motel, my husband got out and the guy behind the desk was on a personal call. After waiting around 7 minutes he came out steaming mad and said let’s go I’m not waiting any longer.
We drove into town. All the homes were older and some, rather run down. We ran into a nice old grain elevator that caught my eye, but no hotels.

We drove into town. Â All the homes were older and some, rather run down. Â We ran into an old grain mill and elevator that caught my eye, but no hotels.
Finally, we found the Dakota Winds Motel. Â To be honest, it would not have been a motel we would have picked by looking at the outside. Their sign read – Colored TV, wifi, and outlets. Â It better have outlets!Â
It was clean. The room had two beds and outlets. That was all we really needed.
Supper At Dippys
Dippy’s was our only choice. Unless you count the bar down the street. Dippy’s was inside a truck stop and the food was rather good and the prices even better.
It was here, that I had my husband a little concerned. When I am extremely outside of my comfort zone, I start laughing hysterically, which quickly turns into crying. Guess what happened? Laughing for five minutes, and then a complete breakdown.
I felt as if maybe I was going to let my husband and daughter down by hauling them hours and hours away from home, to locations they didn’t want to go to, and spending good money to do so.
Pretty sure there was more like I shouldn’t have read travel books on the drive, “They have RATTLESNAKES! and where do I get snake boots around here?” Plus, more crazed muttering which didn’t make any logical sense.
I love the outdoors. I love nature. But, mass panic comes over me when it comes to snakes. Strange, but true. I have sacrificed all my family members to just garter snakes alone.
My husband put down his cell phone that he had been glued to and said we are going. This will get better. We will have a good time. End of story. Pull yourself together and sleep on it.
Tomorrow Will Get Better
We went back to the motel so I could sleep. I promised myself day two would be better and I was looking forward to exploring a ghost town and touring my first National Park.
I was hoping that the trip headed in a positive direction, I didn’t want to disappoint my family. Ready or not, South Dakota here we come!
Additional Posts From The Trip
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