Uncurling Woodland Fern

Uncurling Woodland Fern

Uncurling Woodland Fern

Set of 4 uncurling woodland fern prints processed in black and white.

There is something magical about the growth of woodlands ferns.

The plant pops up out of nowhere and slowly, and gracefully meets the sky.

The stage of the uncurling of the leaf fronds is a beautiful art. An act of nature that I have wanted to capture and display in my own artistic way.

This year I set out to capture one of Mother Nature’s awesome spring displays using a vintage lens. When photographing the four uncurling woodland fern prints in black and white series of prints in this set I had a specific goal in mind.

Capturing the shadows and highlights and little details with the uncurling of the fern.

I’m in love with the textures and slight graininess of this collection.  Capturing nature is certainly a worthy way to spend my free time

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