Be Fearless in the Pursuit of What Sets Your Soul on Fire
Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. At age 80, there shall be no should of, could of, and wish I did.
Pursue your dreams today – big or small conquer them all!. No regrets.
As for me, I love nature. Simple and repetitive seasonal change. You know what to expect, but each season is a different experience. Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.
Today, it was a perfect, white feather floated down from the heavens as the great white egret flock passed overhead. The feather landed on a spent wildflower stem. For me, it signals the return of spring.
Learned a few things today. The birds seem to be ahead of the migration schedule, but the wildflowers are behind. For many years things are in the reverse order. Although, one thing is for sure. Mother Nature has her own timetable for everything. Wait long enough and you will see all signs pointing to spring. Yeah! Spring is here!