On The Ranch

A collection of prints called on the ranch in Montana. All the prints were processed together to give them a cohesive fit and work well with farmhouse colors.

Why I Love The Country

Door Country Cherry Prints

There is peace and tranquility that can be found in the country and a little bit of country is good for the soul.

You can go 25mph in a 40mph zone. Nobody seems to be in a hurry. No honking of horns, yelling, or even a rude hand gesture. They pass you. Wave and smile.

The open fields seem to glisten with the crops that are raised and in most yards are gardens and chickens running around.

Then there are the structures like old barns, windmills, and makeshift fences that grab one’s attention.

Ah, the country. Don’t tell my husband, but I think when we retire, we should buy a house in the country, raise chickens, and have a large garden.

Purchase 1 Print or All Four

The four prints below all go well with farmhouse colors. The primary colors in the prints are muted colors of yellow, beige, white, yellow, and greens. you are looking for a beautiful wall grouping the four prints below would be a wonderful set.

Prints in this collection:
Order 1 print or all four by following each link.


Chose 1 Or All Four


Before the days of drilling wells and pumping water, the windmill was a homesteader’s prize possession. The water pumped by windmills was used to bathe, drink, cook, wash clothing and water crops and animals.

I love finding an old windmill!

Hay Bales

Hay bales drying in fields are common practice. But, why exactly do farmers grow and bale it? Hay is used for feeding livestock. Almost any animal on the farm – horses, cattle, sheep, goats, etc. – will eat hay.

In areas that have snow or droughts, the animals can not graze in the pastures so the baled hay becomes a source of food for the livestock.

Horse & Foal

A ranch wouldn’t be a ranch without horse and foal running around, would it?

A few of the reasons that ranchers enjoy horse is because their love, affection, and respect are gained and built.

When a bond is developed between horse and human, it is a partnership, friendship that only increases with time

Rancher with Dogs

Dogs are faithful companions and workhorses helping with guarding, herding, and helping with daily chores.

About The Ordering Process

All prints are listed in my Zazzle shop, place your order using Zazzle’s secure system. The prints will be printed using professional-grade paper and ink and mailed to your home by Zazzle.

Zazzle offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee.