Dried Flower Potpourri

Dried Flower Potpourri

Dried flower potpourri dates all the way back to the ancient Egyptians who incorporated it as part of their royal rituals.  Today, the art of drying florals is making a come back and are included in potpourri, sachets and blended with fragrant and richly scented essential oils.

Wonderful Fragrant Jars & Bowls For Your Home

Wonderful Fragrant Jars & Bowls For Your Home

Four Basic Components of Dry Potpourri

♦ Dried flowers and plant parts
♦ Herbs, spices or fruits
♦ Essential oils
♦ Fixative that blends the scents and holds the aroma

Fixatives on Amazon:
Benzoin Gum Powder

Orris Root Powder
Vanilla Bean Pods
Ground Nutmeg

Traditional Favorites For Dry Potpourri

Traditional Favorites For Dry Potpourri

♦ Roses
♦ Orange Blossoms
♦ Lavender
♦ Mint Leaves
♦ Carnations

Any flower may be dried and used in potpourri above are some traditional favorites because they retain their scents and shape after drying.

Traditional Favorites For Dry Potpourri

Special Notes:

♦ You don’t need fragrant flowers for potpourri due to the vast variety of fragrant essential oils available on the market.

♦ The florals are pretty arranged in a wide variety of bowls, jars, and oddities.

Essential Oils on Amazon:

Air Drying Method For Flowers 

Air Drying Method For Flowers 

Air drying florals are the simplest of the methods and of course, the oldest way to dry your plantings.


1.)  Gather up and bunch flowers with a rubber band, hang them in a dry and warm place.
2.)  Most of my flowers take several weeks to completely dry out.
3.) After the flowers are completely dry, wrap them in tissue paper and store them in a box.

Dried Lavender

Special Note: The only con to this method is the fact that your flower color will fade or they might turn much darker than your original specimen.

Potpourri Recipes

Rose Spiced Potpourri
Rose Spiced Potpourri
Apple Cinnamon Potpourri
Apple Cinnamon Potpourri

A colorful assortment of rose petals with chamomile, eucalyptus, and rose oil

Reviving The Scent

Add 2-3 drops of essential oil. If you don’t have this, add a few drops of brandy or vodka instead.

Taking Stock Before Winter Sets In
I have been collecting and gathering all sorts of flowers and oils to keep myself busy over the winter months.  When everything is buried under heavy snow, I know that I will be enjoying the fresh scents of summer and fall florals.

You should give it a try too!

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