Look To Nature When Deciding When To Plant Yearly Vegetable Gardens
There has never been a fast and hard rule for timetables for the weather. Each year planting is different and can vary from the past year. But, lucky Mother Nature gives us signs each year of when that time is. Look to nature when deciding when to plant yearly vegetable gardens.
This guide is for planting seeds directly in the ground.

Blooming of Plum & Peach

Nature has given us a planting guide. Mother Nature tacks her notice on the fruit trees.
When the early first blooms of the plum and peach trees first show up, it is time for the first garden seed to be planted.
Our cold weather hardy seed goes into the ground first.
First Garden Seed To Be Planted
• Parsley
• Parsnip
• Onion
• Peas
• Radish
• Turnip
• Spinach
• Beet
• Carrot
• Cabbage
• Cauliflower
• Endive
• Kale
• Lettuce
Blooming of Apple Trees

The next signal to watch for will be given by the apple trees.
The blossoms of the apple trees mean that it is time to plant the more tender garden seed.
The needed temperature of about 60 degrees in the shade, which makes watching the apple tree blossoms a good sign it is time to plant the next round of seed.
The Second Seed To Be Planted
• Corn
• Beans
• Eggplant
• Melons
• Squash
• Cucumber
• Pumpkin
• Tomato
• Pepper
When is the Right Time To Plant Indoor Seedlings and Plants?
Wait for the apple trees to drop their petals to the ground. That would also be the time for your tender seedlings and plants that you started indoors to go into the ground. Of, course they would be the last planted. The young and tender plants need to be coddled from the shock of transplanting outdoors.
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