White-lined Sphinx Moth Caterpillar

The white lined sphinx caterpillar is a green white and brown caterpillar, it grows up to be the white lined sphinx moth which most people mistake for a hummingbird.

White-lined Sphinx Moth Caterpillar

This White-lined Sphinx Moth Caterpillar (Hyles lineata) might not look like much now, but he grows up to be the white lined sphinx moth which most people mistake for a hummingbird.

This White-lined Sphinx Moth CaterpillarThe white lined sphinx caterpillar is a green white and brown caterpillar, it grows up to be the white lined sphinx moth which most people mistake for a hummingbird.

The Caterpillar

This White-lined Sphinx Moth Caterpillar (Hyles lineata) might not look like much now, but he grows up to be the white lined sphinx moth which most people mistake for a hummingbird.
  • Lime green to a medium green caterpillar.
  • Black with orange spots arranged in lines down the entire body.
  • The head horn is not a stinger.
  • Found throughout Central and North America.

The caterpillars eat a wide variety of farm crops and garden plants. The larvae can form massive groupings capable of damaging crops. The caterpillars seem to love tomatoes, apple trees, and grapevines.

If you can get past the damage they can do to plants and relocate them, you will have beautiful moths to watch visit your flowers.

When I Grow Up I Want To Be A White Lined Sphinx Moth

Beautiful dark brown hawk moth with a tan, white and pink coloring.
  • Often mistaken for a hummingbird because of its size and flight patterns.
  • Beautiful dark brown hawk moth with a tan, white and pink coloring. 
  • Found throughout Central and North America

Additional Reading:

Banded Woolybear
Milkweed Tussock Moth
The Hummingbirds Are Back! Let’s Make Some Food

What the Spinx Moth Eats

This furry hawk moth that visits flower gardens, wildflowers, and bushes gathers nectar. They seem to prefer pale, white, or non-scented flowers over heavily scented florals around dusk and for night heavier scented florals.

Flowers For Your Yard

Honeysuckle Vine

  • Hardy Zones 5-9
  • Mature Height: 10′
  • Also Attracts Hummingbirds
  • Very fragrant


Phlox Any Variety

  • Very Easy To Grow
  • Several types. Ground cover blooming in early spring to the tall phlox blooming in mid- to late summer
  • Hardy Zones 2-9
  • Also attract birds, bees, and butterflies.


Hosta Flowers

  • Blue-green leaves with puckered surfaces, white & lavender blooms
  • Zones 4-8, Light to full shade
  • Blooms in early summer, 28-36″ high, 38-46″ wide
  • Flowers attract bees, hummingbirds, hawk moths


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