American Goldfinch The American Goldfinch is a beautiful songbird that you can easily attract to your backyard. The males have bright yellow coats with a bold black cap and black wings barred with white. The...
Downy Woodpecker The Downy woodpecker is the smallest of North America’s woodpeckers but there are many smaller species elsewhere, especially the piculets. General Information Woodpecker with mainly black on the upper parts & wings, with...
Red Bellied Woodpecker The red-bellied woodpecker is a medium-sized woodpecker of the Picidae family. It breeds mainly in the eastern United States, ranging as far south as Florida and as far north as Canada. Its...
House Finch The house finch is a small passerine bird that is part of the family Fringillidae. They are generally seen hanging onto the food source their eating from, perched, or scavenging the ground for food.
General Characteristics of White-Breasted Nuthatches One of my favorite birds to watch is white-breasted nuthatches. You can always tell when they are around because they have a unique yank, yank voice and lower hah, hah,...
Birds You May Find in Your Backyard A running list of birds that you may find in your backyard along with some interesting facts, and possible additional reading posts that may help you attract them...
Coopers Hawk in My Garden The Coopers hawk in my garden, he enjoys parking himself on my deck rail or the neighbor’s fence and watching over the yard. The backyard feeder birds are an easy...
Catbird Cries Catbirds arrive back from their southern hones the last week of April. You will notice the sound of the catbird cries. If there are a few catbirds in the area it may sometimes...
Eastern Phoebe The Eastern phoebe is a medium-sized passerine bird that is part of the flycatcher family. Both the male and females have pale brown heads and backs with a white belly. and black beak....
Blue Jays There are a few birds that when they visit your backyard, you know what they are, immediately, just by the sound. Blue jays are one of those birds. Blue jays are predominantly blue...
Snow Bunting Birds Today, I was able to capture snow bunting birds on camera. Snow buntings are birds of the high Arctic that visit us during the winter months..
Tree Swallow The male has a glossy blue-green body with the belly and cheeks being white. The bird has dark brown eyes and the legs and feet are pale brown. Females are a duller color, normally...
10 Wildflowers That Attract Birds to Your Yard If you want to attract birds to your yard and also would like to add a splash of color with flowers, might I suggest the best of...
Dark-eyed Junco In Wisconsin, the dark-eyed junco seems to arrive around the third week of September. They come in mid-fall and stay for the duration of the winter. Adults generally have gray heads, necks, and...
Baltimore Oriole The Baltimore oriole received its name from the resemblance of the male’s colors to those on the coat-of-arms of Lord Baltimore. Male The adult male is orange on the underparts shoulder patch and...