Palm Warbler

Palm Warbler birds are yellow and brown birds with rusty brown head caps that are relatively common throughout Wisconsin during the spring and fall migration. General Information Name: Palm Warbler Scientific Name: Setophaga palmarum Higher...
American Redstart Warbler

American Redstart

American Redstart The American Redstart is a warbler that can be found traveling through Wisconsin in the spring fleeting from tree to tree. The male and female have a different appearance but both have relatively...

Marsh Marigold

The marsh marigold is one of the earliest wetland plants to bloom after the winter snow has melted with it’s beautiful, yellow blooms that herald spring is here.

9 Woodpeckers of Wisconsin

Worldwide, there are 216 members of the Picidae, or woodpecker family The 9 woodpeckers of Wisconsin that have been reported from the picidae and woodpecker families are the northern flicker, yellow bellied sap sucker, red...